
Water After Hours Emergency Only Phone: 937-925-5716
How do I pay my water bill?
Click here to pay your water bill.
Where do we get our drinking Water?
The Enon Well Field is located on Enon Road just south of Interstate 70. This underground source of water is part of the Mad River Buried Valley Aquifer. Enon’s four wells produce an average of 650,000 gallons each day.
Amended Water Rates, Fees, and Charges
Monthly Regular Charges:
$26 Inside Corporation of Enon (7,000 Gallons) Effective January 2021 Billing Cycle
$28 Outside Corporation of Enon (7,000 Gallons) Effective January 2021 Billing Cycle
$24.50 / Apt. Unit Inside Corp. (5,500 Gallons) Effective January 2021 Billing Cycle
$26.50 /Apt. Unit Outside Corp. (5,500 Gallons) Effective January 2021 Billing Cycle

Meter Overages:
Meters shall be read monthly and customers billed $4.00 per 1,000 Gallons over maximum monthly allowance effective May 2018 Billing Cycle. Monthly consumption may be estimated due to weather conditions, equipment malfunctions, etc.
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges (Effective May 1, 2018):
After Hours Call: $100 — Disconnect Fee: $50
Return Check Fee: $35 — Service Fee: $10
Tap-In Fees: Tap-In Fees shall be paid by the owner prior to connecting to any part of the Village’s water distribution system. The cost of all supplies, materials, meters and labor shall also be paid by the owner. Supplies, materials, and meters shall meet Water Department specifications and all contractors shall provide proof of liability insurance and worker’s compensations coverage. The Village shall supervise the installation of all new connections.
¾” Tap – $1,000.00 — 1” Tap – $1,500.00 — 1.5” Tap – $2,000.00
2” Tap – $3,500.00 — 3” Tap – $5,000.00 — 4” Tap – $10,000.00
6” Tap – $15,000.00 — 8” Tap – $20,000.00